Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Basic Skills Initiative (BSI) Taking a New Lead for Palo Verde College Students..

                                          1.       Biju Raman attended a conference in Sacramento regarding BSI coordinators Conference.  The conference discussed:
·         BSI will have money for another two years.  The amount that BSI will receive is $90,000 per year. 
·         We have to show improvement in student learning outcomes/assessments otherwise they will have the authority to withhold some or most of the money.
·         The chancellor’s office has prepared a new BSI cohort tracking tool.  
·         The main purpose of the conference was to help coordinators become familiar with the new tracking tool. 
·         The information on the report we submit to the chancellor’s office will be linked with the funding to the student learning assessment improvements.  The improvements can be as low as 1% a year; they do not want to see any regressions.  However, if they see any regression, they will hold back some of the money based on the reports that are being submitted. 
                                          2.            Biju Raman attended the 3csn conference on Friday, May 18, 2012 at Victor Valley College.  

                                          3.            BSI budget – Opening balance will be around 15-20% which is what is recommended by the chancellor’s office.  Next semester we are planning to:
·         enhance the learning communities
·         Hire someone to track the cohort of students going through the learning communities
·         Students from MAT 80 and MAT 82 need someone to guide them in class. 
·         Students need to be encouraged to work with one another and build upon each other’s strengths.
·         Promote the learning communities.
·         Biju Raman welcomes other suggestions through email, and be able to draw an action plan with the committee members input. 
·         Encourage professors to help BSI to develop activities with in their syllabus that promote the cohort for these students.  Biju Raman stated that BSI funds can be used as stipends for professors.

Peter Martinez made the motion and it was seconded by Victor Hernandez to offer a stipend of $100.00 for Basic Skills and BSI activities.  All members in favor, motion carried.

                                          4.            Teh-min Brown attended to a 3csn (California Community College Success Network) conference on March 24, 2012 in Escondido CA.  Incurred some expenses totaling $138.38.  Biju Raman would like to use BSI money to refund Teh-min Brown expenses for attending the 3csn conference

I.                   Discussion

1.      Math –   Planning and changes
·   Paying tutors would be the best way to have reliable tutors in class and be able to help reading and math students.  Biju Raman requested a list from the committee of students that might be good candidates to tutor these courses.  
Peter Martinez made the motion and it was seconded by Victor Hernandez to support BSI students by hiring tutors for the BSI reading and math courses.  All members in favor, motion carried.
2.      Reading – Planning and changes
·         Teh-Min received a scholarship for the reading apprenticeship program.  She is currently taking a reading course which is part of the scholarship. 
3.      English –  Planning and changes
·         No discussion
4.      Counseling –  Planning and changes
·         Peter Martinez reported that there are plans to have College night which will be held May 15, 2012 between 4:30PM-7:30PM.  College night will have activities, presentations, and services. 
5.      Supplemental Skills - Planning and changes
·         No discussion
6.      BSI Website
·         Peter Martinez presented updates on the BSI website.

II.                Next meeting – April 26th, 2012

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